
  • Litemax_ Litemax _ Industria

    Litemax_ Litemax _ Industria

    Litemax is a global solution provider specializing in industrial display & computing technology for intelligent vertical market platforms. With more than 20 year of experience, Litemax focused on innovative design and manufacturer of high-brightness LCDs, sunlight-readable LCDs, stretched bar LCDs, industrial motherboards & system, edge computing and panel PCs. Its applications include transportation, digital signage, smart automation, gaming, and AIoT.
  • 上海莱迈司光电有限公司|工业电脑|高亮度显示器_Litema


    高亮度LCD,阳光可视LCD,异形屏LCD,长条形LCD显示器,嵌入式工业计算机,工业电脑, 单版电脑,无风扇和强固型嵌入式系统, 智能交通系统, 边缘计算。提供工业解决方案,应用在包括运输,数字标牌,工厂和机器自动化,博奕及船舶和医疗。
  • 上海莱迈司光电有限公司|工业电脑|高亮度显示器_Litema


    高亮度LCD,阳光可视LCD,异形屏LCD,长条形LCD显示器,嵌入式工业计算机,工业电脑, 单版电脑,无风扇和强固型嵌入式系统, 智能交通系统, 边缘计算。提供工业解决方案,应用在包括运输,数字标牌,工厂和机器自动化,博奕及船舶和医疗。
  • 在线幼儿教育学习平台_www.literacycenter.net


    LiteracyCenter:在线幼儿教育学习平台是一个专门为幼儿设计的项目,用于学龄前儿童的互动式学习,通过独特的寓教于乐方式,帮助幼儿掌握母语和其他语言,通过免费的教育游戏、活动来提供幼儿的语言表达能力。到目前为止该平台已经发布了150多万的免费识字游戏,在220个国家里得到很好的应用,支持英语、法语、德语、西班牙语;有研究报名当父母、老师和孩子一起玩耍学习的方式是幼儿们最快的掌握语言的方式,LiteracyCenter(扫盲中心)开发的综合学习系统让家长们在送孩子上幼儿园之前就可以掌握很多单词。Early childhood education is a team sport. It is most successful when parents, teachers, and children play and learn together. Research tells us it is important for children to speak, read, and write in their first language, first. For this reason, the Literacy Center Education Network has designed an integrated learning system that allows parents to teach home language skills before sending their children to school. Teachers can use the same method to teach English Language Learners (ELLs) in Kindergarten. It is free and easy.Children develop self-esteem and a love for learning when they are allowed to create and invent. We call the natural progression from early recognition to reading and writing: Play. Make. Practice. We support the learning of letters, numbers, colors and shapes with a variety of hands-on activities. Make alphabets out of ordinary objects, play online games, color shapes, and practice tracing letters. Children who learn home language skills at their own pace will be ready and excited to learn new languages when they start school.
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