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    International Trade Fair for glass products and glass applications, glass machines, glass production, glass processing and finishing with special show "glass technology live", 22-25 October 2022, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • GlassLock生活家居


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    Special glass, glass-ceramic and glass inno**tions from SCHOTT: With over 130 years of experience in glass, SCHOTT is a leading international technology group. | EN
  • Glassdoor Jobs APP官网

    Glassdoor Jobs APP官网

    Glassdoor Jobs APP官网,应用描述: Find the job you love, follow the career you want and get hired faster with Glassdoor. Search the freshest job listings and get an inside look at company reviews, salaries, and benefits by the people who know the company best – their employees. Your Glassdoor App gives you these amazingly useful features: • A powerful job search tool that automatically finds the most suitable new vacancies for you among millions of job listings • Company salaries and benefits from the job listing • The new position that fits your life ( You can find out more about the office culture and read honest reviews from current and former employees) Imagine how great it would be to simply and easily tap into the world’s most comprehensive career community. With Glassdoor, you can do exactly that and search job openings, discover your earning potential and see what it’s really like to work at thousands of companies worldwide. View Salaries and Benefits • Use the ‘Know Your Worth’ tool to reveal how your market value has trended over time, how it compares to typical workers in the same field, and also plot your current base pay • See salary and compensation by company, job title and location • Research averages and ranges for base salaries, bonuses, stock options and more • Read about what benefits are offered and what employees think about them
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    glasslock,韩国三光云彩GlassLock是韩国著名企业三光株式会社的品牌,该企业是以倡导健康环保为核心竞争力的厨房用保鲜用品制造商。产品最大的特点就是以钢化玻璃为原材料加工,跟传统的塑料制品相比,它不含任何有毒有害物质,因而是非常健康和环保的产品。同时,产品密封性能良好,在骤冷聚热的环境中使用仍能保持坚固和不变形。종합주방용품과 포장용기 문화를 선도하는 삼광글라스(주)입니다.
  • Glasses.com


    Glasses是在线眼镜购物网站,为解决试戴眼镜这个麻烦而开发了一款应用。 Glasses采用了3D建模的方式,首先通过手机摄像头拍摄用户整个脸部,然后通过二维码的方式直接定位双眼位置, 这样能保证正面侧面都与眼镜尽量完美的匹配,可以让用户充分感受佩戴上眼镜的实际效果。在实际使用中,Glasses在建模方面颇有造诣。每一个步骤都有详细的视频指导,只要按照视频指导的步骤操作,就能比较完好的建立一份自己的脸部模型。而在双眼定位的时候,由于要对着镜子进行二维码扫描,会受到光照影响,建议将手机屏幕的亮度调低,这样就能比较好的定位。之后就可以的搭配眼镜和太阳镜,实际佩戴效果与真实佩戴十分贴近。Glasses所有可以试戴的眼镜都是在官网上出售的眼镜,品牌和种类相当齐全。Glasses出售的男式眼镜种类超过600种,足以让大多数用户选择到合适自己的款式。Glasses的每个款式都可以在应用中直接购买,对于用户来说在众多款式中选择到合适的款式,必然会有一定的购物冲动,虽然无法获得直接的数据,但是猜想之下,Glasses可以对其网站的销售带来一定额外的流量。 联系方式电话:1-800-GLASSES (800-452-7737)邮箱: info@glasses。 网站栏目 眼镜 访问 | 翻译 | 收藏 本栏目主要发布眼镜商品。 太阳镜 访问 | 翻译 | 收藏 本栏目主要发布太阳镜商品。